Reward for Dolphin Killer's Arrest Now at $54,000 (Video)
The reward for a Florida dolphin killer has been raised from $20,000 to $54,000. According to Wink News, “Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Responder” of the Florida Keys is one of the organizations pooling its funds with those of NOAA, the federal agency that offered the original amount. Some of the additional funding is coming from Steve McColloch, a stranding coordinator with Dolphins Plus. “We can only offer this reward in hopes that it will inspire or encourage somebody to step forward, to be brave and be honest about what happened,” McColloch said. " |
After this story first appeared, reaction on Facebook was overwhelmingly one of disgust toward the killer or killers, but more than one poster noted that even when the reward was only $20,000, it was more than typically offered in the hunts for people killers and rapists.